8 Simple Home Remedies For Stomach Aches And Cramps

8 Simple Home Remedies For Stomach Aches And Cramps

The problem with stomach aches is that it’s difficult to figure out exactly how to treat them until you know what’s causing them… but it’s difficult to know what’s causing them on your own.

And with such a wide range of conditions producing abdominal pain – common things like gastritis, indigestion, bloating, constipation, and acid reflux all the way to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, the list seems too big to narrow down all on your own.

However, there are several things you can do to soothe an upset stomach, regardless of the underlying cause of your pain.

If you feel stomach discomfort and abdominal pain that seems especially severe or persists even after resting, talk to your doctor right away about finding out the cause.

more: 14 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Gas And Bloating

For all other types of abdominal pain and cramps, here are some great home remedies.

Great Home Remedies For Stomach Aches And Abdominal Pain

1. Get Some Minty Refreshment

There are plenty of types of tea that will help you with abdominal pain (you’ll find some on this list)… and peppermint tea is no exception.

That’s because mint will help you digestion along by improving the flow of bile, and it will also relax your stomach muscles.

If your pain is due to bloating or indigestion, this is a great remedy to try.

What you need:

2 teaspoons of dried peppermint leaves or a handful of fresh ones, or a teabag of peppermint tea

8 ounces of water

What to do:

Boil the water, then pour it into a mug with the peppermint leaves in the bottom. Cover it up so it stays warm and let it steep for about 10 minutes, then drink.

more: The 17 Quickest Natural Remedies For Heartburn And Acid Reflux

2. Munch On Some Fennel Seeds

This is another great remedy for those who have indigestion.

That’s because fennel seeds have an oil in them called anethole, which tells your stomach to secrete more digestive juices and helps with the digestive process.

It’s also an anti-inflammatory, which means it will reduce the pain that inflammation brings – which means it’s a great bet for gastritis.

However, this remedy is not for women who are pregnant. If you are pregnant, do not consume fennel.

What you need:

About a half teaspoon of fennel seeds

What to do:

After you eat a meal, chew your fennel seeds.

more: The 24 Most Effective Natural Sore Throat Remedies

3. Try Some Chamomile Tea For Relief

Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory – which means that stomach pain brought on by inflammation is treated effectively by this remedy – gastritis for example.

It also is a relaxant, which can help your upper digestive track relax, which means you feel less muscle spasms and cramping, and get out of pain faster.

What you need:

1 teabag of chamomile tea (you can use dried chamomile as well, use about 2 teaspoons)


What to do:

Boil your water, and then pour it over your teabag and let it steep for about 10 minutes, or cover your dried chamomile and let it steep for a little more than 15 minutes.

more: 17 Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Constipation

4. Try The Classic Club Soda With Lime

Both lemon and lime are great for soothing an upset stomach – and club soda is the icing on the cake.

This is especially true for stomach pain caused by overeating or being overfull – because you’ll burp from the carbonated club soda and your belly will feel less full.

Both constipation and indigestion can be helped by this home remedy.

What you need:

About 8 ounces of club soda (drink it cold!)

1 half of a lime

What to do:

Take your half lime and squeeze out the juice over your club soda. Gently stir it together and then drink it slowly for the best effect.

more: 15 Effective Home Remedies for Nausea And Morning Sickness

5. Try Out Prune Juice To Get Things Moving

If you’re feeling abdominal pain from constipation, prune juice is an excellent home remedy.

That kind of pain comes from the lower part of your abdomen, and you’ll feel a gurgling sensation and radiating pain with it.

Prune juice can act as a natural laxative, and can help you get past the bout of constipation that you’re dealing with.

What you need:

8 ounces of prune juice

What to do:

Drink your prune juice, but be sure to be near a bathroom!

more: 13 Effective Ways To Relieve Period Cramps

6. Try Some Rice Water To Soothe Your Stomach

Rice water is a great way to soothe an upset stomach when it’s caused by inflammation due to gastritis or a different condition.

That’s because it coats the lining of your stomach, effectively creating a second barrier against your stomach acid and helping to ease the irritation.

If you’re wondering what rice water is – it’s dead simple – it’s just the water that’s left over after you cook rice.

What you need:

A half a cup of white rice

2 cups of water

What to do:

Cook the rice as you normally would, except you’re using twice as much water as you would for a normal recipe. Add your rice and your water to a pot on the stove and cook it over medium low heat, and wait for your rice to start to soften.

When it’s softened, take it off the heat and let the water soak for 4 minutes or so, keeping the lid on the pan to keep the heat in.

Drain out the water into a container and add a little bit of honey if you don’t like the taste, and sip.

7. Have Some Ginger Root Tea To Feel Great

Why is ginger root tea good for abdominal pain?

Because it has compounds in it called gingerols and shogaols, which relax the muscles in the intestinal track and can give you relief from stomach cramps and a stomach ache.

more: diy Home Remedies For Stomach Ache

If you’re feeling nauseous, ginger root tea is also an effective remedy to help you feel better.

What you need:

A 2 inch piece of ginger root

2 cups of water

What to do:

Wash your ginger root and peel it, then chop it up finely or grate it if you’d prefer. Boil your water and when it’s boiling add the ginger to the pot and boil for 3 minutes, then simmer it for an additional 3 minutes.

Take your water off the heat and strain out the ginger, then enjoy. If you want a sweeter taste you can add honey.

more: 11 Best Home Remedies For Stomach Ache

8. Try A Hot Water Bottle (But Make Sure It’s Only Warm)

Regular hot water bottles might be too hot for the touch – so for this remedy make sure that you’re using a heat source that’s warm enough for you to be comfortable. You can use a hot water bottle or a hot pack – either way.

Heat is an awesome remedy for sore, tight muscles, so if you’re feeling cramps and abdominal pain then some heat to loosen up and relax your muscles might be just the ticket.

What you need:

Your hot water bottle

What to do:

Pick a nice, cozy place to lie down and cuddle up with your hot water bottle. You can put it right on top of your stomach to deliver the relaxing heat directly to your aching muscles. Make sure it’s not too hot and you don’t burn yourself.

more: Natural Remedies For Stomach Pain

9. Lemon Water Can Help Deal With Your Stomach Ache

If you’ve got indigestion, you could do a lot worse than lemon water for your remedy.

That’s because the acidity of lemon water will jump start yourstomach’s acid production, which gives your stomach the extra kick it needs to digest your food better and get rid of your indigestion.

It also keeps your whole digestive system running smoothly.

What you need:

A lemon

8 ounces of warm water

What to do:

Squeeze the lemon into the water, then sip and enjoy.

In summary…

The Best Natural Remedies For Stomach Aches And Cramps

  1. Get some minty refreshment
  2. Munch on some fennel seeds
  3. Try some chamomile tea for relief
  4. Try the classic club soda with lime
  5. Try out prune juice to get things moving
  6. Try some rice water to soothe your stomach
  7. Have some ginger root tea to feel great
  8. Try a hot water bottle (but make sure it’s only warm)

stomach ache and cramp remedies

30 comments… add one
  • georgina May 16, 2018, 6:44 pm

    women are so prone to cramps specially during menstruation. i always use hot compress and it does the trick all the time.

  • lala May 17, 2018, 6:48 pm

    this article is very helpful! all the information you will need to treat stomach ache and cramps are here! i will share this to my friends too.

  • carmen May 18, 2018, 7:17 pm

    will try prune juice next time i get cramps. this is just too common for women and your post will help so many of us. thank you!

  • daphne May 21, 2018, 7:35 pm

    this post got everything you need if you are looking for natural remedies for stomach aches and cramps. it will tell you what you need and what you will do in details.

  • wanda May 22, 2018, 4:00 pm

    i will try chamomile tea next time i get cramps. i haven’t tried this but i’m sure i’ll need it soon.

  • victoria May 24, 2018, 2:21 am

    my sister is dealing with an uncomplicated stomach ache and she is really feeling miserable. i will let her try some of these home remedies to bring relief from the pain and discomfort she is experiencing.

  • samantha May 24, 2018, 10:48 pm

    i’ll try the rice water trick next time and see if it gives me relief. i usually get cramps and stomache aches during my monthly period. i’ll save this post.

  • maeve May 25, 2018, 6:06 pm

    i tried chamomile tea and it really helped ease the pain of my stomach ache. if i ever experience stomach ache or cramps again, i will try the other remedies listed here.

  • alyanna May 29, 2018, 8:23 pm

    i tried prune juice once and i can say it’s really effective! i loved the result despite the pain and discomfort at first.

  • bridget May 30, 2018, 5:35 pm

    my friend told me that the classic club soda with lime can really help ease an aching tummy. it is really hard to deal with stomach pain and cramps day-by-day so i will keep a couple of these home remedies on hand at all time.

  • selma May 31, 2018, 6:58 pm

    hot compress is my go-to remedy. it really relieves period cramps fast! my girlfriends do it too.

  • lauren June 4, 2018, 9:00 pm

    my doctor told me that a change in my lifestyle may prevent further pain and inflammation. he advised me to stop eating heavy meals of spicy foods and drink lots of water. it helps, actually.

  • lori June 6, 2018, 8:01 pm

    which tip should i try first? hmmm,, i will try peppermint tea first. hope it could provide relief as quickly as possible.

  • prim June 7, 2018, 7:28 pm

    prune juice is absolutely an excellent home remedy! And i also agree with you when you mentioned the we have to make sure there is a bathroom nearby when drinking it. Lol!

  • madelyn June 8, 2018, 8:17 pm

    heat is my number one ticket to get rid of menstrual cramps. it really helps relax my muscles.

  • sabrina June 11, 2018, 8:41 pm

    fennel seeds really help ease stomach pain. they are also an effective remedy for excessive gas and bloating.

  • nada June 12, 2018, 9:03 pm

    i always experience stomach pain after eating and my grandma recommended ginger for fast relief. it is a bit spicy when eaten fresh, but it is an effective remedy!

  • alexis June 14, 2018, 3:14 am

    i always overeat resulting to stomach aches. my lifesaver? lemon and lime. these two are really great home remedies.

  • april June 15, 2018, 3:42 am

    i have tried all except drinking prune juice. this is actually the first time i read about it.

  • natasha June 16, 2018, 4:49 am

    chamomile tea is a proven remedy for cramps and stomach ache. i experience both at one time or another and chamomile tea always do the magic.

  • cynthia June 19, 2018, 6:36 am

    a minty refreshment has been my go-to remedy whenever i experience stomach aches. i am open to try out the other remedies discussed here as well.

  • blance June 20, 2018, 2:10 am

    of all the home remedies discussed above, i recommend ginger tea because i had proven it effective. i also suggest peeling and grating it for best results.

  • simone June 21, 2018, 2:55 am

    i hate period cramps! good thing there are home remedies that always brings relief from the pain and discomfort that is making me miserable.

  • hailey June 22, 2018, 3:16 am

    an apple a day keeps my period cramps away! i also experience a complete pain relief whenever i use heating pads.

  • margot June 22, 2018, 6:20 pm

    i am scared of taking medicines whenever my stomach aches. i always want to go for natural remedies. i will try what i learned from this post if ever i experience a pain in my stomach again.

  • felicity June 27, 2018, 3:04 am

    thank you for this! now i know what to do whenever my teenager complains of a stomach ache.

  • jessica July 3, 2018, 2:25 am

    the remedies introduced in this article can definitely help me get a relief from the pain and discomfort of having stomach ache and cramps! glad you shared this with us.

  • harley July 3, 2018, 10:08 pm

    nice to found this post! it is very tricky to find the cure for abdominal pain unless you know the exact cause but these remedies can absolutely help bring relief from the pain and discomfort that is making you miserable.

  • clementine July 4, 2018, 10:12 pm

    i love these medicine-free stomach ache and cramp remedies! thank you for giving solutions to my problem! your site really rocks!

  • jade July 6, 2018, 3:59 am

    i found this post very helpful for my needs. i am glad i found remedies that could provide an instant relief from stomach aches and cramps.

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