If you feel tired and exhausted all the time and you have diabetes, the obvious answer for why you feel such fatigue used to be your blood sugar levels.
I say used to be because it turns out – the answer isn’t quite as clear as scientists thought it to be.
In a study called Glucose Control and Fatigue in Type 2 Diabetes published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing, researchers have discovered that fatigue experienced by subjects with diabetes was only indirectly related to blood sugar levels – and was caused in fact by other diabetes symptoms, depression, and diabetes distress.
This is a huge change in mindset. To put it plainly: in many subjects diabetes fatigue is not caused by your blood sugar fluctuating up and down – it’s caused by depression and other emotional symptoms from having and dealing with diabetes.
more: The 9 Biggest Reasons You’re Tired All The Time
If you’re experiencing diabetes related fatigue, your blood sugar might not be the culprit. It’s much more likely that the stress of dealing with diabetes, along with the emotional toll that diabetes takes on you, is more likely to be the cause of the fatigue that you feel.
This Is What Causes Diabetes Fatigue
Doctors and patients have long assumed that blood sugar levels rising and falling are what cause patients with diabetes to feel exhausted, fatigued, and tired all the time. New research suggests that the cause of the fatigue isn’t blood sugar levels – instead that the fatigue is caused by the stress and other emotional distress that comes from dealing with the disease. This is a big breakthrough in terms of treatment for diabetes fatigue, and opens up new ways of thinking about how to treat it.
What Should You Do About Diabetes Fatigue?
The biggest issue with diabetes related fatigue isn’t necessarily the symptom – it’s the effects of the symptom on how you treat your condition.
When you’re feeling exhausted, it becomes much harder to do the things you have to do from day to day. Keeping up with treating your diabetes, getting exercise – even eating right can fall by the wayside when you’re feeling the effects of fatigue.
more: What Causes Diabetes Fatigue And Can Diabetes Make You Tired?
The problem is that when you go to the doctor to talk about your fatigue, they’re more likely to ascribe the exhaustion you’re feeling to your blood sugar levels – rather than to the real underlying problems that are causing it.
If you want to solve your diabetes fatigue, here are a few strategies to help you do it:
Watch Your Sleep Schedule
When trying to treat fatigue, addressing the most obvious causes first is a great place to start.
Everyone knows that if you don’t get enough sleep you’re going to feel exhausted.
more: Why You Feel So Tired Even After 8 Hours Of Sleep
So try these tips to make sure you’re getting enough sleep – and that the sleep you are getting is quality sleep that will help you feel better.

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Don’t let your sleep schedule slide on the weekend – keep it consistent. Also try to avoid screens for an hour before you go to bed – it will help you sleep better and get better rest from your sleep.
more: 30 Scientifically Proven Ways To Boost Your Energy And Combat Fatigue
Think About Talking To A Therapist
Depression is another huge cause of fatigue – and diabetes related depression is unfortunately extremely common.
If you suspect that depression is having an effect on your life and might be the root cause of your fatigue, it’s a really good idea to talk to a professional therapist.
more: Help For Diabetes Fatigue
They’ll be able to help you work through the emotional cost of managing your diabetes – and that could help a lot with feeling tired all the time.
Make Sure To Eat Right And Try To Exercise
It’s hard to concentrate on eating the right foods when you’re feeling exhausted all the time – being tired becomes a reason to get fast food rather than a nourishing meal.
more: Can Diabetes Cause Fatigue, Body Ache?
And I know that fatigue makes it difficult to even think about exercising.
But eating right and exercising will actually boost your energy levels – and make a real, appreciable difference in your life relatively quickly.

Try to get some exercise in – even if it’s just going for a short walk – and make sure not to skip meals. Your body will thank you.
more: What Causes Fatigue During Exercise?
Tell Your Doctor Exactly What’s Going On
If you just tell your doctor that you’re feeling fatigued, that’s all they’re going to hear – and they’re going to act accordingly.
more: Why People With Diabetes Can Get Sleepy After Meals
The best thing to do is to tell your doctor what your fatigue is preventing you from doing. That way, your doctor will understand the effect fatigue is having on your life, and give you better and more targeted treatment as a result.
this is good information i can share to my parents. diabetes is definitely in our genes and it’s always best to know more ahead of time.
always eat right and make time to do exercise. find ways on how you can avoid emotional stress. yoga can help. diabetes is no joke so it is very important to take care of your body.
oh my! i wouldn’t want this happening to me at all. good thing i read this post. thanks for all the great information.
i always deal with fatigue. i am diabetic and perhaps i could start by evaluating myself for these possibilities. appreciate you sharing.
thank you for this reminder. i now know that i should be really alarmed when things like these arise. i have relatives with diabetes and i should really take precautions.
now i know why i feel so tired and fatigued especially after breakfast and dinner. it is getting worse so i better consult my doctor again.
oh true! tis can really make you feel emotionally exhausted and it happens to me all the time!
when i am feeling tired, i don’t really want to think about going to the gym. i just want to lay down on my bed all day! lol! well, i should follow what i’ve learned from this article– make sure to eat right and exercise.
good write up, informative in so many ways. not only people with diabetes will gain from it, but also people like me who would rather prevent any kind of condition or disease.
i knew it! my diabetes is the reason why i feel tired all the time. thanks for your helpful article now i know what to do about diabetes fatigue.
i do yoga and yes it really helps fight emotional stress. my friend joined me last week and she said it boosts her energy level. she is actually diabetic.
too much screen time is sabotaging my sleep reason why i always feel tired. i will try my best to avoid electronic devices when it is my bedtime.
i have a support team and they help me deal with diabetes fatigue. i am so thankful i have them.
Dealing with diabetes can cause depression so it is very important to have a support group who will listen to you and provide helpful advices.
diabetes-related depression is extremely common. good thing you mentioned about this on your post and how important it is to consider talking to a therapist.
i don’t have the energy to cook food most of the time so i always go for fast foods. no wonder why i always feel tired.
don’t get shy and always tell your doctor what is going on. like what is mentioned in this post, they can act accordingly if they are aware of what is happening.
the stress of dealing with diabetes– yes this is the culprit why i am always tired. good thing i have friends who understand where i am coming from and support me the best way they could.
i suffered from diabetes related depression and considering talking to a therapist really helped me overcome it.
scary.. diabetes is in our genes. good thing you shared this. i will talk to my family about what i’ve learned from your article.
all information in this article is true. i suffer from diabetes and there are times that i feel so tired. i am slowly learning how to deal with it both emotionally and physically.
now i am fully aware how diabetes makes me tired. this article is good. it contains so much information that i needed! thanks!
hmmm, i am still puzzled as to why i am tired all the time because of the many potential medical issues that can be the cause. i should talk to my doctor.
hmmm, interesting article. i think i first need to see my doctor to determine the exact cause of my fatigue.
i hate dealing with diabetes fatigue. i always drag myself and i feel my days have been getting shorter because i sleep 8-10 hours a night and then need to take a nap during the daytime.
i noticed a huge difference in my body ever since i started eating right and exercising regularly. i no longer get tire easily so i can now enjoy the things that i love doing! nothing can really beat the power of a healthy lifestyle.
i was right all along. i knew my diabetes was the reason why i was feeling very tired, especially after eating sugar. i better talk to my doctor about everything that is going on.
you are right. concentrating on eating the right foods when you’re feeling exhausted all the time is not an easy thing to do. but i am more than willing to do it just to get my energy back.
i am tired of having diabetes and articles like this really help me get through it. i really appreciate this site.
i am tired all the time and it is because of my diabetes. thank you for the strategies you shared to help boost my energy and mood.